Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6/26 - 7/6

Tasks accomplished:
  • Applet can now read and write graphs in XGMML.
  • GUI is more interactive - loading graphs and analyzing for dimension can now be done dynamically
  • I got data for the metabolic network of E. coli and the protein interaction network (PIN) for yeast  from and analyzed them, getting very close to the same results as others (3.4 for E. coli and 1.9 for the yeast).  My results for E. coli are often a little high, but perhaps I'm not using the identical data (it seems there are several versions of these data - everywhere I look gives a slightly different number of nodes).
  • Minor improvements to the data displays
Some screenshots of results:

E. coli.  The horizontal axis (ignore all coordinate labels for now; this was before I fixed them) represents box-size (maximum path length between any two nodes in a "box", or sub-net), and the vertical axis is the number of boxes needed to cover the network.  For a fractal network the graph when scaled logarithmically (like here) should approximate a straight line.  Notice the "D: 3.40..."  Never before have I been so excited to see that number.

Same chart for the PIN of yeast.  D = 1.91 - yay!

Yeast again; this time the vertical axis represents calculated dimension at each stage of the algorithm.  As mentioned in my previous post, the values should end up very close to a single value for a fractal network, and here they do.

Things to focus on now:
  • Further improve gui - draw networks themselves, make the charts more readable and customizable
  • Look into more applications - find interesting networks to test (if anybody has any ideas, let me know!)

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